Quoted below is the whole post that I published back in 2011. And of course me being me, I let it die with the previous versions of this site. And if not for the archive.org, this would’ve been lost completely.
Thank you Archive.org!

Due to WordPress Vs WPEngine debacle, which has been covered in depth by TechCrunch – my thoughts and feelings about Ma.tt may not be the same but I can’t take away this from him.
This very sentence has made me re-think my decisions and guide engineering teams to do the right thing, to stand by the users and not think that they are wrong.
So while, Matt ain’t the genius I used to think he was, he’s just another human (O! The Just another blog) with his own set of flaws but he’s definitely someone who’s taken steps that shaped a huge part of the internet and he’s definitely awesome for giving WordPress to us, let’s not forget that.
This is one of the best quote that I’ve read! And the timing for this quote couldn’t be better.
It was a small moment at the WordPress DC Meetup. One of the creators of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg, was in town. He had come to this monthly meeting at Fathom Creative to learn what the local community wanted in the next version of his web publishing software.
The media library in WordPress was discussed. Mullenweg admitted that it is confusing and gets difficult to manage once you have lots of images in the library. A man in the audience brought up a technical issue he had with the library. Mullenweg explained that you could actually do what the man wanted to in WordPress but stated:
The software is wrong, not the people. via – Joeflood
Indeed, Matt could have told the person the right way of doing it, instead he chose to say this statement! This is truly humble and shows his passion to make WordPress the best CMS in the world that people can use in the easiest ways. I say humble because WordPress is already the best CMS & easiest as well!
I must admit that Matt is indeed a true genius! When, I first met him @ WordCamp India, I was completely awed and couldn’t really have meaningful conversations with him about WordPress — I kind of feel sorry for that, however I hope that if I get to meet him again, then hopefully it’ll be more interesting
Credit: Mayankgupta.com Archive.org Archive!